The Importance of Rest for New Parents: Why Taking Time to Recharge is Vital

Parenthood is an incredible journey, but it can also be overwhelming, especially for new mums. After the birth of a child, parents need to take some time to recharge, not just for their own sake, but for their baby’s too. Taking time to rest is an important part of the postpartum journey, and it’s essential for new mums to prioritize their own needs and well-being. Restorative rest can help new mums physically and mentally, which is why it’s so important to make time for it. From getting enough sleep to taking regular breaks, there are several ways to prioritize rest and recharge during this vulnerable time. Doing so will help new mums feel more energized, refreshed, and ready to take on the many challenges of parenthood.


What is postpartum fatigue?

Postpartum fatigue is a condition that can affect new mums, especially those who have had a complicated birth. Postpartum fatigue can be mild and short-lived, or it can last for months. It’s characterized by a lack of energy, fatigue, low mood, and symptoms similar to depression. Postpartum depression is a serious condition that affects new mums, and it can be a risk factor for postpartum fatigue. But most mums don’t have depressive symptoms, and fatigue is a very real condition that deserves attention. While fatigue is a common and normal part of parenthood, it can also be a sign of postpartum depression. If you think you may be experiencing postpartum fatigue, talk to your GP. You can also talk to other new mums who may be experiencing the same thing to see if there’s a common thread.


Benefits of rest for postpartum mums

Providing rest is a natural process that's required for all humans to feel healthy, happy, and energized. When new mums are pregnant they are especially susceptible to the negative effects of being overworked, often to the point of exhaustion. In addition to the physical and psychological toll that constant exhaustion can take on a new mum and her baby, it can cause stress in relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. Rest provides a much-needed reprieve for new mums, and it can do wonders for their physical and mental health. Taking time for rest can have many positive effects on a new mum’s well-being, including boosting mood, reducing anxiety and stress, improving sleep, improving immunity, and strengthening the immune system. Mums who take time for rest can feel more confident and relaxed, which can have a positive impact on daily life, from getting things done to interacting with family and friends.


Strategies for getting rest

Simply taking a break from the pressures of parenting and working can help new mums get their rest. Whether it’s taking a break from a job or a social event, or simply closing your eyes and stepping away from your to-do list, a break can be very helpful in regaining your balance. It can also be helpful to set aside a specific time each day to chill out, relax, and prioritize yourself. You can use a journal to write down any feelings of anxiety or stress you notice during your break or simply breathe into it and allow it to pass. It’s also important for new mums to get their sleep. Mums who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to experience fatigue and are more likely to struggle with strong, uncomfortable emotions. Sleep is essential for new mums to maintain their energy and health and it’s important to make time for it. It’s a good idea to follow the 10-15-30 rule when it comes to sleep. 10 minutes for relaxing, 15 minutes for recharging, and 30 minutes for dreaming.


Although we recognise this is not an option for everyone, but during the postpartum period it is particularly important that you expand your network of supporters and enlist help. This could be through friends and family or through a service like Melbourne Postpartum Services, who send you out a dedicated and professional postpartum doula, ( a real life Mary Poppins)


How to prioritize rest

It’s important for new mums to invest in their own wellbeing, but it can be hard when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Try to make time for yourself, whether that’s taking a mini-break or just relaxing quietly. It can be helpful to take stock of your mood and feelings of stress, and try to identify where you’re feeling the most stress. Doing so can help you prioritize your own wellbeing and make changes where needed. You can also try to create a schedule of regular rest breaks during the day. This can help to break up your day and give you a chance to relax and get some much-needed rest between tasks. Keeping a notebook, phone, or other device with you can be helpful in this regard.


Tips for getting rest

Follow the rules for sleep hygiene: Make sure your room is dark and quiet, your room is free of clutter and your bed is free of anything that could be a source of stress. - Make sure you’re avoiding caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, and energy drinks before bed as these can interfere with sleep. - Make sure your room is cool and dark, and you’re not using electronics in the room before bed. - Make sure you’re eating a healthy dinner before bed and then eating a light snack like fruit before bed, so that you’re not going to bed hungry. - Make sure you’re not doing too many things at once and that you have time to relax and regroup. - Try to go to bed when you feel tired and not when you feel like you should be doing something.


The importance of self-care

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities of parenthood, and it can seem like there’s never enough time or energy to get everything done. However, it's important to remember that you are a valuable person and contributor to society, and self-care is an important way to show this. Self-care doesn't mean selfishness: Taking time for yourself doesn't mean doing whatever you want and doesn't mean neglecting your family. It's important to take care of yourself in a way that supports your needs and priorities, and that doesn't neglect your partner or your children. Self-care doesn't have to be expensive. It can be something as simple as taking a walk by yourself or meditating by yourself. Self-care doesn't have to be complicated.


Recharging your mental health

It can be easy to get caught up in the daily stresses of parenthood without taking the time to recharge, and this can have a negative impact on a new mum’s mental health. Recharging your mental health can be done during your down time, but it can also be done while you’re working, especially when your boss isn’t breathing down your neck. Make sure you’re taking regular breaks while you’re working, eating, and relaxing to recharge your batteries. It can also be helpful to follow a pattern of doing something when you feel the most stressed or anxious.


How partners can support postpartum mums

Partners can be great for new mums in a number of ways. These can include helping with caring for your little one/ones and taking charge of the household tasks, listening to your needs and emotions, and offering support when you need it. It’s important to remember that parenthood is a huge responsibility and challenge, and new mums need help from their partners and family as much as possible. It can be helpful for new mums to talk to their partners about their feelings of stress and exhaustion, and to ask for help when they need it. Partners can also offer support by helping new mums to recharge and relax when they need it, and by providing a safe space for new mums to decompress.

Online resources for postpartum mums

- Postpartum support groups - Postpartum support groups offer new mums a way to talk to others who are experiencing similar feelings and experiences, as well as offering support and advice. There are many different postpartum support groups available, depending on your location. A postpartum support group can be a helpful way to talk to others who are experiencing similar.


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