Building Your ‘Village’: Why It's Vital for New Parents

Hey there! It's wonderful to connect with you on this incredible postpartum journey. As someone who has experienced the ups and downs of early parenthood, I want to share my heartfelt thoughts on the importance of building a strong support system during this transformative time.


When it comes to welcoming a newborn into your life, going it alone simply isn't the answer.

Trust me, I've been there, and I've learned firsthand that seeking support and intentionally nurturing your village can make all the difference in your postpartum experience. So, let's explore why it's crucial to reach out, build connections, and embrace the love and assistance that surrounds you.


The Power of Asking for Help:

As parents, we often feel the weight of responsibility on our shoulders, believing that we should be able to handle everything on our own. But here's the truth: It's okay to ask for help. In fact, it's a sign of strength and self-awareness. Recognize that seeking support isn't a burden; it's an opportunity to lean on the wisdom, care, and expertise of others.


Professionals Who Can Guide You:

During the postpartum period, there's an entire network of professionals ready to support you and your baby's well-being. Reach out to doctors, MCHNs, breastfeeding consultants, and therapists who specialise in postpartum care. These professionals are dedicated to helping you navigate this unique chapter of your life. Consider what life would look like with a Postpartum Doula - A trained professional who offers support with newborn care, household tasks, and emotional well-being during the postpartum period.   They can address your concerns, provide valuable advice, and ensure that both you and your baby receive the best possible care.

I’m going to take a moment and make sure that you are aware that Melbourne Postpartum Services don’t only provide postpartum doula support but are trained in providing breastfeeding education and consultations, newborn care parent coaching, cry/fuss, sleep and settling consultations, and professional counselling/ birth debriefing. We offer free initial appointments to parents considering inviting us to be a part of their families’ care team.  Ok, finished with the shameless plug now😊


The Beauty of Building Connections:

Beyond professional support, there's immense value in connecting with other parents who are going through similar experiences. Seek out parent support groups, attend community programs, or engage in online communities. Sharing your journey with others who understand the challenges, triumphs, and uncertainties can be incredibly comforting and empowering. Together, you can offer each other guidance, reassurance, and friendship that will last well beyond the postpartum phase.


Nurture Your Village:

Now, let's dive deeper into this notion of nurturing your village. Take a moment to reflect on the following questions:


1.       Who are the professionals in your area that can support you during the postpartum period? Make a list of their contact information and keep it handy for easy access.

2.       What fears or hesitations do you have about asking for help? Explore these feelings and remind yourself that reaching out is a sign of strength and self-care.

3.       How can you actively seek connections with other parents? Research local parent groups, join online communities, or consider starting your own support network. Every step you take to build your village brings you closer to a strong, caring community.

4. If you find yourself not receiving the level of support you desire from your GP or MCHN, where else would you like to turn to for advice and support that aligns with your values? Other handy professionals to consider could include – a babywearing expert, a local pediatric chiropractor or osteopath, a perinatal physio (for you and your body), nutritional/naturopathic support to help your body heal and recover.

But if you are in the Melbourne area, don’t hesitate to ask for a free initial chat as we love connecting people in with our local trusted networks.

We also know that people are not always very good at asking for help. It requires a person to face their vulnerabilities, and vulnerability can be scary.

But here's the thing: vulnerability isn't a weakness; it's a tremendous source of strength and sign of authenticity. Most of us wouldn’t think less of our friends for asking for a little support, or for a meal when unwell. And most of us would do it if we were able. In fact, it is acts like these that enrichen our friendships. When we help each other without judgement or expectation we all benefit. So don’t rob yourself, or your friends, of opportunities to deepen your relationships. 


Lastly, my fellow postpartum traveler, I need to remind you that the journey ahead doesn't have to be walked alone. By embracing support and nurturing your village, you create an environment of care, love, and growth. Remember that asking for help is not a sign of weakness but an acknowledgment of our shared humanity. Together, let's build a supportive network that uplifts and nourishes us, allowing us to thrive during the postpartum period. You are not alone—your village is waiting to embrace you with open arms.

Building your village and readying your supports is only one of the important elements in building a robust postpartum plan. If you want to know more about creating your own personalized postpartum plan that covers all the essential, CLICK HERE to see when and where our next FREE workshop is happening.


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