So how did we get here? 

In short – motherhood changed us.  

We both choose to take short ‘breaks’ from our careers at various stages to have children and spend quality time building into our families. 
Although we had some support from each other, our families and friends, the transition into parenthood, (and each transition as our families grew), was NOT easy (to say the least) 

However we make it through, along with some invaluable learnings and experience, some learned the hard way and some, thank-fully, through implementing the wisdom imparted to us by other parents who had walked the path before us.  
But , as I said, parenthood changed us. Our eyes had been opened. 

My eyes were opened to the reality of what many parents go through when in the ‘trenches’ of the newborn stage, and how, when some of those struggles are not resolved or helped early on, they can manifest into longer term struggles. Rach knows first-hand some of the scary thoughts and pain that can come along with postnatal depression. 


We found that a new passion had been planted in our hearts – yes we loved babies and their delightfully chubby cheeks, but we SAW the mums and dads going through this life transformation 

And we also saw just how little real support and actually helpful advice many of them were receiving. We saw just how long it took for some parents to ‘find their confidence’ like we did, and how some parents, a few years on, are still searching.  

We believe it just wasn’t right how little postpartum support was being offered to parents with newborns. 

And then, to top it all off, COVID 19 and all those Melbourne lockdowns happened.  

COVID and the restrictions that followed impacted many people and societies in different ways. For us, the journey that COIVD sent us on, all those ups and down, brought further clarity to many of our values and truths to which we live by.   

But we also noticed that, for many new parents out there, the changes to society that COVID brought made things even worse. It was hard for us not to be affected by the stories and the pain from the community of parents around us.  

So we made a decision.

A huge, brave, vulnerable decision to completely change our lives and start something new, together. It was hard, we both had jobs we loved which we were good at, (and working for a predictable paycheck brings a lot of security)  

But we knew in our hearts that we had been ‘called’, and that we were also both uniquely placed to do something about, what we have termed, ‘the situation’.  

So, after going back to study and deepening our knowledge and skills, we launched Melbourne Postpartum Services.  YAY!     

We love helping parents going through the newborn stage who are just like us. We love helping parents find confidence, a path forward, some rest and some peace. Nobody enters into parenthood knowing all the ‘secrets’ in getting a newborn to settle, on combating the inevitable negative thoughts when they don’t, and how to navigate the mountain of conflicting advice out there. Many people seem to believe that it's inevitable that parents just have to struggle, that’s just what parenting a newborn is like.  

But we can tell you a different story.

We help parents experience a different story. 


What IS (and ISN’T) a Postpartum Plan - And Why You Need One 


Is Your Heart Prepared to Meet Your Baby? 4 Common Things That Get In The Way (And What To Do About Them)